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Chuster commented at 2012-02-19 16:37:31 » #1007058

A "realistic" tag with a girl with, probably, a F+++ Breast size.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-02-20 10:40:43 » #1007686

"Realistic" does not = "Real". It means "Similar to real, but not quite."

It's "Realistic" because:

A) her eyes aren't the size of dinner plates like most Anime-based images.

B) her hair is the typical Japanese black color. Not blue or green or primary color red.

C) her facial structure in general is very close to true life,

D) the level of detail in the picture, particularly in the shading, puts the image just below "photographic" in quality.

12 Points Flag
TheHerald commented at 2012-03-08 01:09:55 » #1018708

I agree with anon1 (especially about the shading), plus..

..there ARE women who have breasts that big, ..usually from plastic surgery, but not always.

4 Points Flag
ShadowbladeEdge commented at 2012-03-08 11:50:16 » #1018992

The real bit of surrealism here is that a woman with breasts that large would apparently be competition swimming.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-04-14 21:35:05 » #1049516

cool breasts, flat ass.

5 Points Flag
VVayfarer commented at 2012-06-05 11:09:55 » #1085890

Is that REALLY Nijou Aki? The hair doesn't match and the clothes aren't the stuff she usually wears. She seems more likely to be just a generic blue-haired, big-breasted chick.

ShadowbE - It's possible to take advantage of big breasts in competitive swimming by using a suit that molds them in a particular way in order to reduce water resistance. And of course, that could also just be her school's swimming 'uniform' for all we know.

Latest anon - Agreed, it could use some work.

4 Points Flag