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Anonymous commented at 2014-11-26 22:40:22 » #1642326

worst character ever

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-11-27 20:02:21 » #1642811

she looks fat and stank

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-11-28 03:42:18 » #1642976

I don't care that she's fat and ugly (yes, she is and would be even when slim) anymore. Why the hell her hair are the same color as skin. Kishi ran out of paint at last moment?

4 Points Flag
Eromon commented at 2014-11-28 08:24:26 » #1643026

Why do people think fat = ugly?

Getting sick of seeing that. Some girls can look good fat. In fact, it's pretty rare to see any anime girls actually being fat. (That's not in a doujin for BBW fetish)

I actually welcome this design. And no, I don't think she's ugly, I like her hairstyle.

28 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-11-29 14:22:11 » #1643754

Don't see any hate on Chouji for being fat. Could it be because... he has a dick!?

18 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-07-28 13:08:46 » #1784813

Fat, or rather as in the case of choucho, obesity is a sign of poor health (unless you live in a really cold country and you need the extra fat) poor health = not ones optimum... I.E fat/obesity is bad. This is why fat disgust people.

Yes, because a man would not care all that if another man was fat or not since most men don't have sexual interest in other men. For sure there are probably women out there that find fat men unattractive. That said of course men could find fat men unappealing if said fat man represents the protagonist or whatever which we as readers/viewers are supposed to identify with. I mean, why would anyone want to be unhealthy? Then again, there are some men that truly do like "large" bodies... but these people have a very strange view of things as they are in denial of what healthy means. Kind of like:
the male was big and fat... that must mean he is big and strong like a tank!! I also wanna be a tank!!
that girl is curvy and luscious and mature.

However like I said, these people live in denial as the big an fat guy still has crap stamina and while he might be able to take a few punches, this doesn't actually make him powerful...
and likewise the "curvy" and "mature" women are just fat... no they are truly fat. They eat pizza and lard all day and are the kind of girls you find on sites like tumblr where they talk about "fat shaming" and how beautiful they are when in reality the only people that find them beautiful are people that have a fat fetish or people that have a skewed understanding of what healthy means.

3 Points Flag