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Anonymous commented at 2016-06-26 11:41:57 » #1975782

>Link is a male name

Not necessarily.

The name "Link" signifies the "link" between the character being controlled on the screen and the person playing the character: You. That was meaning for his name in the original game. He is your "link" to the world of Hyrule. He's you, in a sense.

It's not a name based on gender so much as it's a name signifying his role as your avatar to the world.

So being able to choose to play as a female "Link" wouldn't be too much of a stretch if you really think about it.

Ultimately though, it's Nintendos decision, and Zelda has had a big fanbase of both male and female fans for years without a female Link. I don't think that will change any time soon. I'd be cool with being able to play as a girl, but I don't mind not choosing as long as the game is good.

20 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-26 12:48:03 » #1975807

No, the name Link was created because originally the game was meant to be one where the player traveled in time. It was a Link in time.

The "link between players" is just fanon bullshit.

Link however is a real name. a MALE one.

43 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-26 12:53:57 » #1975814

Downvote me all you want tumberfags, it won't make the pain of not getting what you want go away and it won't make your twisted views of reality any more real

"No, because it is a terrible example of a female lead. Think of the powers she uses. Her powers are basically mood swings weaponized."

So fucking what? Even if that's true (which it's not) so what? Mario just jumps on the enemies and sometimes gets a small power up. Even if is it mood swings, tell me, how many games have men beat stuff with brute strength? How come it's okay for male traits to be used and not female traits?

"Well, I can name several games where the power armor doesn't give her Hartman hips. The Other M power suit is a ridiculous design of its own."

She's still in a suit of power armor and not running around in zero suit and in high heels like you said. Face it, you're just wrong about Samus

"Zelda didn't *escape* Ganon, she went into hiding and was caught the instant she let her guard down."

As I recall from OOT you see Zelda being taken away by Ganon in the past. In the future you run into shiek which is her implying she escaped on her own. Now it HAS been a while since I played OOT and maybe it wans't ganon who took her so that might be my bad. However in Twilight princess she's right next to Link firing arrows at Ganon so your point is moot regardless

"And the end of Twilight Princess was boring. :v"

To you maybe. Besides we knew that Imp Midna wasn't her real form so what would you expect her to transform into?

"I'm not crying oppression, I'm just saying the reasons Aonuma and Miyamoto have presented for not being able to select a female avatar are *bullhonky.* In the 30 years of the franchise, never once did it come up to consider such a thing when the technology made it feasible?"

That should tell you something. Customization of characters aren't a new thing, even to nintendo. if they wanted you to be able to make a female link they'd have done it long ago but they didn't.

""Balance of the triforce?" Epona shit. I guess Joan of Arc wasn't courageous then. Or how about Marie Curie or Valentina Tereshkova?"

For every strong female you can think of there's 100 males. There's a reason why males are typically the forefront of these kinds of things and it's not sexism

"There are female Link cosplayers, several of whom have been uploaded to this very booru. Are they doing it wrong unless I can infer a schlong? Why not just make an option and call it a day? After all, they're shaking the conventions and traditions of the series after 30 years and varying degrees of pokemon style staleness, why not minorly shake things up, Zelda Timeline be damned as the nonsense it was created to be?"

shit example. you forcus on one aspect of Link (male) and disregard other things like, oh I don't know, HIM BEING AND ELF! So no one can cosplay Link, male or female unless their an elf

31 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-26 12:55:15 » #1975816

And the fact that since the start of the series, I could call Link "FUCKER" since the start, what does that mean?

Outside in the lore, he may be Link, but we can still name him. So he's still an avatar of sorts. The moment they take away the naming screen, the argument will stop. In the meantime, the door is still open for a female avatar; hopefully something that will be realized when Miyamoto retires after realizing he's gone creatively bankrupt.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-26 19:13:53 » #1976025

^Why isn't Link Female? Why isn't Link black? Why isn't Link Muslim? Why isn't Link gay? Why isn't Link fat? Why doesn't Link have a beard? Why is Link so able-bodied? I CAN'T FUCKING ENJOY ZELDA GAMES UNLESS LINK IS JUST LIKE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

20 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-26 20:14:40 » #1976044

1975816 has to either have multiple accounts or he's calling in friends,to upvote his responses and downvote the replies. I refuse to believe so many SJWs are on this site. The idea so many are here and they're replying seconds after posts is so fucking inconceivable.

21 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-26 21:26:30 » #1976065

The votes have actually been fluctuating for most of the day; if they were fixed they wouldn't be sitting at zero for the supposed fixer and -1 or -2 for their opponents.

And yeah, there actually are quite a few SJWs on this site. There are quite a few people of pretty much every ideology on this site. There are even people like me, who vote comments down for rudely mocking people even when we don't have a particular opinion on the debate itself. I'd be willing to bet a few scores would be positive if some of the people here weren't being so unnecessarily antagonistic.

13 Points Flag
pie4ever0 commented at 2016-07-19 23:02:39 » #1989111

Why are people arguing about this on a porn site?

5 Points Flag