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loli_KoN commented at 2019-06-27 01:45:24 » #2399780

she missed the finger *o*

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-08-10 09:58:03 » #2420864


A few more keystrokes and this may actually be interesting...

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-10-28 12:39:17 » #2451596

Has anyone noticed how all but like 1 pictures with the 'one_finger_selfie_challenge' are done wrong? i mean in the mirror she is using her right hand to try to hide her breasts but in the camera it shows her left hand. it is like this for all but one Zelda image.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-11-12 18:57:05 » #2457843

You mean the Zelda one where her hand is backwards? Try doing this in a mirror and you'll see why the image is flipped. The only thing wrong here is that her thumbnail should definitely be hidden from the camera based on how her hand is positioned in the mirror.

2 Points Flag