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Anonymous commented at 2010-02-14 20:42:49 » #224942

Cause ya know, the oxygen mask around her face means she drowning. Drowning tag removed. Idiot.

27 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-02-18 05:04:24 » #227741

Please, consider the following.
Judging by the position of the abdominal bulge, we can safely determine that whatever she is being filled with is entering her stomach cavity instead of the uterus. By using common sense, we can thus determine that said material can only enter the stomach by one route - the mouth - as the small intestine's valves prevent anything from going the other way.
We must now ask ourselves one question: if material is being brought into her system via her mouth, how is it being delivered through the hydrogen dioxide surrounding her? Obviously by tube. There is only one tube leading to her oral cavity in this illustration, and that is her breathing tube.
Thus, by using deductive reasoning, we can determine that she is being effectively force-fed through her breathing tube. But by doing this, is there enough room for oxygen to pass through the same conduit to prevent suffocation? Based on the quantities that would be involved to create such an abdominal bulge, and the fact that the oxygen is escaping in the form of condensed bubbles, the answer would have to be no. Therefore, she is effectively suffocating underwater without actually bringing any hydrogen dioxide into her lungs. Drowning without water. Key operative there being 'drowning'.
If this kind of deductive reasoning is too much for your mind to handle, might I suggest alternative tags such as 'suffocation', 'breathplay', 'oxygen deprivation' or 'asphyxiation'? Her eyes certainly suggest option three, while the current state will inevitably lead to death by option four. As to whoever would be so sadistic to place someone in this position, I cannot answer for them. Except to say, as a misanthrope, that this kind of cruelty has ceased to surprise me from human beings.


17 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-02-20 10:13:43 » #229644

Mister deductive forgot to note the tube connected to her rectum. Anybody that knows anything about diving knows that the spent air is expelled through a valve as bubbles, hence the air she breathes out is expelled as the bubbles seen. Her belly shape is the standard preggy/impreggy style, and one must also consider that her being in water, it would not be as effected by gravity anyway. Long and short of this, despite sick snuff fetishist craziness, and Hello, the obviously now hollow container that is up in her femme bits along with the glazed eyes, I think indicates that she is being made to be the host of something that was in the inserting container.

The tube going to her urethra and rectum indicate she's meant to be kept there for awhile. Also her breast milk is being harvested, you don't lactate unless you induce it through stimulation, or there's something present in the womb Triggering the reaction. Why it's being harvested and where it's going I don't know, maybe just to keep the solution she's floating in clean. This has been a Hadoken rational comment.

42 Points Flag
Julian_K._Spire commented at 2010-02-28 05:08:39 » #238208

I had hoped someone would comment on the tube connected to her rectum. If you had payed any attention in anatomy or biology, you would have remembered that the valve of the small intestine (leading to the stomach) prevents even gases (such as oxygen) from returning. Second point, the valve does not appear to have any holes in it. Does oxygen move by osmosis?
As for being in water affecting gravity, please never say that again. Being in water does ALTER gravity, but does not negate it. I think I felt myself die a bit at how stupid some of you can be, but I'm rather used to that.
The tube into her uthera and rectum in no way indicate the period of time in which she is meant to be kept this way. I also see no breast milk, only suction pads over her nipples. Please cease your pitiful attempts at deductive reasoning before you further humiliate yourself. And I highly doubt that something is present in her womb - unless you count whatever is being pumped in.


10 Points Flag
TheInternetGal commented at 2010-03-07 01:29:28 » #254851

If I ever, EVER meet someone who's never used the internet, and asks me what it's like... I'm going to show them this discussion.

32 Points Flag
Stacie commented at 2010-03-07 12:32:11 » #254993

I think it's funny that anon2, aka Julian_K._Spire, called the water hydrogen dioxide (HO2), rather than dihydrogen (mon)oxide (H2O). =P

24 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-03-28 23:12:31 » #261859


This is hot.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-03-29 01:09:23 » #261967


No matter how you try to explain it, both of you are obviously missing the biggest point of all.

This is a "Drawing". You know, its not a real woman in there (Sorry if it shatters your hopes and dreams).

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-03-30 03:54:18 » #262841

Julian K. Spire should be introduced to Monzetsu, I'd like to see him use real-world reasoning to deduce something in a drawing, when the drawing is done by John K. Peta.

11 Points Flag
DemonBlade commented at 2010-04-06 02:05:55 » #268312

JKS: The mouth piece does have a holed grate for oxygen expulsion. As for bringing biology into the drawing, excusing the fact that Anime style humans are drawn completely out of proportion in anyway to real people, it's just stupid as hell. Idiot.

I really like this picture overall. I also like the hint of mystery that leaves you wondering exactly what the hell is going on. Heehee, thankfully my imagination likes to pick up on this. Mmmm.... :3

6 Points Flag