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sound_wave commented at 2011-07-23 01:54:26 » #821621

Anyone who has enjoyed Berserk should watch Claymore, to me is a classic and one of my top 10 series of the past decade. Seriously, try at least the first 3 episodes and you'll se how awesome this series is.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-10-25 00:35:52 » #909289

Actually, you're missing out if you've only watched Berserk or Claymore. Reading the manga versions is the way to go.

4 Points Flag
sound_wave commented at 2011-11-28 19:36:26 » #938015

Anon, sure the anime versions sometimes omits scenes and details. But if you watch berserk and claymore you have a terrific voice acting, plus te soundtrack that makes every situation more dramatic and intense. If you apreciate those kind of things you'd know that you can't have the same experience reading a manga.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-04-05 15:11:47 » #1296998

The only thing Claymore has going for it is the art style. Everything else is a long, methodical, thorough, repeated and not always metaphorical rape of excellent ideas wasted on otashit and poor man's hentai.

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