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Anonymous commented at 2010-06-04 10:55:36 » #322736

maybe some day, crossovers happen

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-06-04 11:51:11 » #322761

Hello no, spiral power would annihilate the S2 engine

21 Points Flag
loligagger commented at 2010-06-12 02:35:54 » #330436

I can see Simon filling a Kamina like role to Shinji though.

lol Shinji referring to Simon as "Aniki" and everything.

Just don't have Lagaan Gattai with Eva, it's not pleasant.

13 Points Flag
liat commented at 2010-07-04 13:54:08 » #353967

Galaxy shattering mecha on the highest power tier along with Getter Emperor and Elder God Demonbane vs a single EVA? SIMON! PEIRCE THE ANGST WITH YOUR DRILL!

12 Points Flag
SleepingForest commented at 2010-08-25 19:12:18 » #413863

Grandpa: And that's how the universe was completely destroyed. Now then Timmy, it's bet time!
Timmy: But grandpa, how di-
Grandpa: I SAID BED TIME!!!

17 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-09-19 22:21:18 » #442904

one problem, though: Chou Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is the largest mecha in history, and Eva are about skyscraper sized. Arc-Gurren Lagann could crush an Eva with one hand due to the size difference. if they WERE the same size, Eva 01 would berserk the fuck out of Chou Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, only for it to end in a stalemate as Anti-Spiral Angels apeared just before they could both perforn their finishers and kill eachother.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-10-23 04:50:18 » #481625

=.= umm...no one seems to know that with enough spiral energy *or will to live* one can achieve god like mech powers like Chou Tenggen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Shinji lacks the confidence to do even do half of what Simon could.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-10-23 05:06:50 » #481639

unless Rei is in trouble, then shinji would do it.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-10-25 23:00:03 » #484911

none of you seem to realize that regardless of how powerful the Eva is the Gurren will outclass it due to being BIGGER than the fucking galaxy

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-01 11:15:53 » #527465

Tengen Toppa Lagann fell into the pit of exaggerated epicness and only produced fail.

If one wants realism, that is (and who the fuck cares about such boring shit?). NGE is more realistic, and thus, it has less mindbreaking awesome.

You can't really compare the two. It's just not fair.

4 Points Flag