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Anonymous commented at 2012-07-09 18:44:43 » #1112605

He lost all of his friends :(

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-06-28 21:39:52 » #1350154

big fucking deal anon1 he probably lost his previous bitch friends when he joined organization 13 and he probably knew that xion was a puppet that was only good for fucking before cutting the strings and stuffing her in the closet

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-06-30 11:49:15 » #1351026

we all need to remember that xion wasn't even a nobody and that little whore didn't even deserved to exist

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-08-19 00:58:29 » #1382652

Someone didn't take their medication for such heavy periods. Let's break it down;

1. "Previous bitch friends"? Saïx. Isa, and he broke away from him for Roxas (presumably because of his memories of Ventus and Roxas was the closest he got to a friend from so many years before) and Xion.

2. He knew that Xion was a puppet is pretty common knowledge. He still felt connected to her, even if she wasn't real (in as much he was anyway).

3. "Only good for fucking, before cutting the strings and stuffing her in the closest." I can only diagnose this as a bad case of dislike for Xion. At first, Mary Sue is everywhere; But it's deeper with investigation.

That first fight with Xemnas in KH:FM was him collecting memories of Sora's feelings for Kairi, and just her in general, much like Vexen with the Twilight Town card.

Xion was meant to replace Roxas, to be a loyal little death machine (as explained in 358), gaining the power of Roxas to become god-like, and then become a vessel for Xehanort (explained in DDD.)

In general, I enjoyed Xion as a character. While she is a random chick with a Keyblade (like lots of people in KH these days, on being random) AND story filler, she was a well founded one and a fan-favorite character almost instantly.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-11-30 20:51:06 » #1445808

ahem to that anon 5 that bitch xion was useless anyway and her only purpose was to be a fuck puppet

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