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Anonymous commented at 2011-05-22 01:30:51 » #742950

Ohhhh, ice cubes are the best!

4 Points Flag
relhardt commented at 2011-05-22 20:24:06 » #743872

Um That might actually be vary dangerous... First that much ice has the potential to frieze the various sensitive portions, witch would be vary bad. Second. that much cold in an area with that much blood might send a stream of cold blood up to the heart stopping it cold. ( Example never give ice water to a person suffering from heat exhaustion, Reference The American Read Cross) Third If she becomes exhausted from the experience having that much cold in an internal cavity will likely result in shock. fourth - Ice typically isn't pure/ clean. usually you have some kind of mineral build up along the side of the ice tray, and some bacteria just love that kind of stuff.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-05-25 13:08:27 » #747422


It's Touhou porn.

6 Points Flag