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Anonymous commented at 2011-07-08 17:49:37 » #803134

Mad Mod as a girl is Hot.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-07-20 17:45:23 » #818957

That's not a Gender Swap... It's just a group of girls from the Teen Titans series who were part of the "Bad Girls" group. The top one is "Kitten" under the identity of "Pink X", allegedly Red X's daughter... which is impossible.

8 Points Flag
D.V. commented at 2011-11-27 19:54:55 » #937155

to anon2... the red x in teen titans the show was a boy and mad mod was also a guy. i'm not entirely sure who the gender swap in the bottom left corner is but if it's that genius robotics kid from the group jinx was a part of, he was also a guy. the bottom right corner looks like the jokers assistant but at the moment i can't remember her name and if this is truly all genderswap then i doubt its her but if it is, then she would be the only one that wasn't genderswapped. i've never heard of pink x so i won't deny her existence but the top right is a genderswap of the red x from the teen titans television show.

1 Points Flag
hammerz12 commented at 2011-12-03 16:11:46 » #942025

These are actual people in the Teen Titans Go! comics. Can't remember their names though.

4 Points Flag
Boy_Blunder commented at 2012-01-03 02:01:13 » #967088

They're all identities that Kitten used in the Teen Titans Go! comics to get attention. Each one is the 'daughter' of an existing TT villain, though all were made up by her. Control Freak > Joystick, Mad Mod > Mad Maude, Puppet King > Marionette, and Red X > Pink X. Changed the tags accordingly.

8 Points Flag