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BoomWinning commented at 2011-07-14 19:47:17 » #811588

@above: I suppose you're right about NaruSasu, but I've always seen that as more of joke pairing. But maybe there's something to it *shrug*

Again, with Dragonball, the main heroine argument falls flat. Bulma's the main heroine only in the sense that she appears slightly more often. Important women in Toriyama manga are like vegetables on John Goodman's dinner plate, non-existent. And again, Goku never had feelings for Bulma, just food.

Plus, Naruto's been shown to be IN LOVE with Sakura TWICE so far, it's very obviously more than a crush. The first time was the POAL. We see Naruto understands her feelings for Sasuke because of his own feelings for Sakura. Kishi drew an obvious parallel between NaruSaku and SasuSaku there, in terms of the unrequited side.
The second time was here, in this scene ( ). Sakura herself didn't realize the depth of Naruto's feelings until that point. You can use the argument, "it was in the past so it doesn't count", but it's pretty obvious that Kishi's showing his feelings in a different light than a mere crush.

So will NaruSaku happen? I'm not Kishi, so I don't know. But the parallels he's drawn to other pairings (JiraTsu, MinaKushi, Shikaku/Yoshino), the careful amount of development he gives it (Sai's comment(s), Yamato's unfinished sentence in Reunion Arc), even some of the hints the anime give us (watch the Immortals Arc in the anime, it's one of the few arcs the anime team did right) tells me it's very unlikely that NaruSaku is a mere 'red herring' pairing. But we'll see what happens.

In any case, you acknowledged that NS has a chance, so you're light years more mature than most people I've debated with on this site. I'm sorry if I sound harsh, I get pretty into these things, as you can tell. :)

4 Points Flag
BoomWinning commented at 2011-07-14 19:52:46 » #811592

Oh, and Sr. Pimp, thanks for the tip, I don't usually post links on Gelbooru. I think I did it right this time, at least I hope so :)

4 Points Flag
nonya90 commented at 2011-07-14 20:57:23 » #811676

Hey everybody I got a idea instead of arguing stupidly about fictional characters that don't really exist lets enjoy the sexy art ya sounds like a good idea I'll do just that

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-07-14 23:00:01 » #811819

One could argue enjoying sexy art with fictional characters that don't really exist is just as stupid.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-07-15 01:19:09 » #812018

Bleach sucks! Naruto Pairing sucks!
Look @ One Piece, they're doing it right!

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-07-18 02:34:53 » #815890

And they deleted the FA. Strange thing, fanarts from annria2002 are there in gelbooru, and she isn't japanese. And her fanarts are from deviantArt.
I sense a pattern here...

1 Points Flag
Jerl commented at 2011-07-18 02:36:29 » #815895

I just tried the annria2002 tag and got nothing. If you'd care to link to one of said images, I'll set in motion the process of getting that taken care of.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-07-19 18:43:47 » #817863

@Jerl, I don't know about authors, but just type in "uchiha_sasuke haruno_sakura" in the search bar. There's a LOT of Deviantart posts from the past year or so that haven't been deleted.
I've flagged a few of them for breaking the non-Japanese rule, but there's a lot to go through. Someone's been spamming SasuSaku pics for a long time now.

0 Points Flag
ShadowbladeEdge commented at 2011-07-19 18:49:16 » #817867

While I can't speak to the specific images note that DeviantArt has Japanese people too, so don't just make presumptions, actually check.

0 Points Flag