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Anonymous commented at 2017-03-08 21:25:29 » #2106942

If I had to venture, the two sisters with... buckets? Baskets? On their heads are Kappa, the blondie is an Inari the blue and red skinned pair are Oni, red and blue respectively. The chick with her eyes closed is a Yuki-Onna (Snow Woman) I don't know what's up with the one in the corner. The dog looking one nxt to Inari, is likely a Kobold. I forgot what the one with the mouth in the back of her skull is called, and I have no clue what the moss-looking chick is. And then the host, finally is likely a human. Just a guess though :3

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Anonymous commented at 2017-12-28 10:03:22 » #2196875

I think the only one Anon 9642 missed was the one they called an Inari, which is actually wrong. It's a Two-Tailed Cat (Nekomata), and I'd have to guess the fro-headed guy in the corner, is the host's dad. As for the head-mouth and the moss-looking chick, I forgot what they are called.

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