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Anonymous commented at 2016-04-24 11:07:07 » #1938371

- Anon: -547 A common misconception is that your sperm or egg is a cloned version of you geneticly. Actually it is the only cell in your body that is not genetically you. During its formation the genes scramble and reshuffle to a degree and make a million variations of your genetic make up.
- So how do you make a clone of yourself? You take any human egg, Lazer out the nucleus and install the nucleleus from any cell in your body (even skin cells). Then implant in a womb.
- But there are complications, that's why humans may be the last specie to be cloned. Despite the claims you read about in the tabloids and in the movies.
- Who said rule 34 porn can't be educational to all you amateur mad scientists out there?
- As for me, I'm working on a K9 compatible Loli that will be able to bear children even if they can only be cloned copies of their father. A puppy mill! AHA, HA HA! - (The obligatory mad scientist laugh after revealing his diabolical plan) -

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