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jedi1357 commented at 2012-05-10 15:40:16 » #1067914


Basically, She's installing rockets that will send Nano into geostationary orbit.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-05-11 02:58:42 » #1068273

>Hakase with short hair and a winding key
Oh boy.
Also, that hairclip.

4 Points Flag
jedi1357 commented at 2012-10-23 18:45:40 » #1187662

Good evening, I'm the Professor (Nighttime version). I built Nano with the Professor.
I'm a clone-bot of the Professor.
At night, I play around and eat snacks for the Professor.
Nano and Sakamoto are sleeping, so I can do whatever I want with them. Hee-hee-hee.
But if they found out, they'd get real mad, so I gotta keep myself a secret. Nobody knows about me, and nobody can find out.  

The Professor and me synchronize our memories each morning and night, so it's like we're the same person.
It's great being able to take advantage of all 24 hours in the day.

I'm the one responsible for modifying Nano without her knowing about it.
I just stick this insulating paper in her head, and she won't wake up for anything, so she never finds out.
Today I secretly gave her a reaction function.
The Cheapskate! rockets are so amazing they could take her into orbit.
But Nano isn't very fat, so she won't turn into space debris (←cryptic)

"When does the Professor do all these modifications to Nano?"
This is one possible answer to one of the 360 mysteries of Shinonome Laboratories.
I actually wanted to try coloring this in SAI, but it doesn't give you much control over the shading, so I gave up.

5 Points Flag
jedi1357 commented at 2012-10-23 18:47:21 » #1187663

This reminds me of someone...


0 Points Flag