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Anonymous commented at 2013-02-05 09:33:25 » #1259823

Yasha's writing his journal:
1. Kil... "purified" a lot of Gohmas.
2. Talked with Deus about The Cause (when that old $%&# will release my niece?)
3. "Purified" even more Gohmas.
4. Other Deities invited me to the party, but I refused. I'm The God of Melancholy, I don't need that $%&#.
5. Saved some village from a giant, penis-shaped Gohma.
6. Sliced Asura in half.
7. Watered the flowers.
8. Composed an awesome haiku, but forgot it.
9. Time to sleep for a century or two, there's nothing to do on this planet yet.

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