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Anonymous commented at 2012-11-06 23:51:05 » #1198296

Had Naruto been born in Kumo, he would've had...

A strong father figure in A.
An older brother and extremely fitting sensei in Bee.
A cool, non-emo best friend in Omoi.
A loud, yet not useless nor bitchy female friend in Karui.
A silent, yet not spineless nor stalking girlfriend in Samui.

All of them trump their shitty Konoha counterparts by a large margin.

15 Points Flag
moonhunter commented at 2012-11-07 03:53:33 » #1198453

^ Anon, I agree with you to a great extent. However, don't forget Minato nearly killed A and Bee. And they tried to take Kushina and Hinata.

3 Points Flag
bigb commented at 2012-11-07 21:18:05 » #1198902

they only did that under the orders of the previous raikage, who was a bloodline hungery bastard. and honestly, if minato hadnt had the hirashin, he probibly would have lost in a straight up fight with E or Bee

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-11-08 20:22:26 » #1199450

Oh, come on. Hinata got a hell of a beat just to defend Naruto. Spineless she is not.
Its the plot that's been delaying her love confession.

4 Points Flag
Deltabeta26 commented at 2012-11-09 10:09:53 » #1199834

Bigb, you can't just take something away from someone and say "without this, this person would have lost to this person", that's like saying without his lightning armor, A would have been utterly trounced by Minato.

7 Points Flag
bigb commented at 2012-11-14 01:23:24 » #1203096

probably is the key word, kishi seems to show that minato just spamed hirashin and the rasengan. and honestly, if you could teleport constantly in a fight, you could tackle just about anyone. and for hinata, she doesnt really love naruto, she admires him. he's someone she can look up to since her father was more or less a cock sucker for most of her life. but in my opinion, she's just as bad as any if his so called friends. she knew he was struggleing, but did nothing but sit on the sidelines and watch, and she had a PERSONAL tutor in kurenai. All it could have took, was a little teeny bit of courage to ask kurenai to help naruto in some way. be it some easy to read scrolls, or some food, or teaching him a version of the bushin so he could graduate.

1 Points Flag
Deltabeta26 commented at 2012-11-14 21:26:27 » #1203627

Yes because everybody knew that Naruto had too much chakra to use the bunshin and that he was starving. I'm guessing you read a little too much fanfiction because not getting food and learning different bunshins to pass are common themes for Naruto-centric stories where he's hit with even bigger road blocks to overcome so everyone is jazzed up when he eventually does. She is in love wih him, she's said so, everybody knows so, it started off as admiration but it's been allowed to bloom.

Despite what you might think, there were no beatings or evil council or overpriced rotten food or a spoiled prince-like Sasuke who got everything Naruto wanted. Naruto grew up as a lonely outcast but not on the streets, he had his own apartment with a balcony, not with evil stares and violence but wariness and a bit of fear.

His only real problems were no parents, no friends and people going out of their way to pretend he didn't exist. This was the thing he and Garra shared, the fear of lonliness, the fear of your existence being comepletely ignored and overlooked.

When you realize that everyone was not in fact out to get him then you can start respecting and liking the other characters in the series like you're supposed too.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-12-16 02:53:19 » #1225245

wasnt it shown in the cannon story that the only food he could afford was ramen because the stores in konoha refused to sell to him? And didnt the hokage give him that shitty apartment after he was thrown out of the orphanage that he put him in after his so-called godfather left to chase after that fat chested drunk teammate of his?

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-12-18 00:51:12 » #1226646

lets not forget that he practically had to teach himself how to read and rite. His schooling in cannon was sabbatoged by teachers to keep him stupid and weak (Sarutobi would have to have been blind and stupid not to know about this) He was sabatoged with an unfair group of instructors, and a sensei that almost refused to teach him, only blathering on about chakra control (And not showing him a single exercise) and teamwork which anyone with half a brain could see that team 7 would never clinch as a team.

0 Points Flag
Deltabeta26 commented at 2012-12-31 13:33:03 » #1235610

No actually, none of that is "canon" Anon 3 & 4. Those "are" all common themes in shitty fanfiction though.

. . .

Wait, damn trolls.

0 Points Flag