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Anonymous commented at 2013-05-04 13:41:09 » #1314527

To beat your little sister yandere: Insert chair, throw chair at yandere, if knife doesn't fall and she is on the floor throw blanket to cover her eyes, learn the outline of the knife and her wrist and squeeze make her let go of that knife, once knife is removed take it and hold it and threaten

You've beaten your yandere little sister, now for spoils of war: rub your yandere sisters leg and make sure she has no weapon strapped to her legs or on her stomach and chest tease her it'll lessen the hostility. When she is breathing hard, tie her hands up tight, KEEP THE KNIFE one ball shot and your out, probably dead. You want free feels, yes?

So with this helpful guide you have learned how to avoid death by knifing from your little sister without the use of a gun or killing your little sister.

But what is next? Here is what you must do: Never accept a drink from her, or if you are thirsty and have a drink in another room ask her to drink it first, nicely.
If you are hungry ask her to eat something for you say words like I will enjoy sharing an indirect kiss or something with her, deception is key to survive.

Remember you are only buying time 'till either your law-enforcement finds who killed your girlfriend (your sister) or 'till she breaks in public and is sent to an asylum. If your little sister is smart, it will be a long time, so move away from her and sleep with an alarm on the door, hope your not a deep sleeper.

With these few tips you may survive! Or not and you'll just end up like her brother.

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