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P-Commando24 commented at 2013-02-09 21:00:09 » #1262604

If the Rito were ever brought back in a more realistic-looking zelda game, they would probably look something like this... or at least they'd better... bout time nintendo grew some balls.

16 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-01-19 11:26:07 » #1673106

Medli in Hyrule Warriors... If only...

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-04-22 00:06:24 » #1726750

^ I take it her weapons would involve a dagger and lots of throwing feathers? Of course, she could equip feathers with different effects. Poison feathers, ignition feathers, frost feathers, and both light and dark feathers.

Seeing as she would also use a dagger, it would be logical that she'd be the most agile of all characters.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-13 11:05:20 » #1864661

This is actually very Zora like. Tiny wings connected to the forearms that will explains when in use. And her hair comes out like a zora's head fun (albeit that only applies to males).
Evolution is funny like that.

1 Points Flag