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Nauran commented at 2013-01-19 05:54:57 » #1248692

Imagine we started with the Gen VI pokemon as our Gen I set, version mascots and everything. The anime and manga used all them too.
Would we still hold the Gen I pokemon in such a highly regarded light if they had just arrived now?

26 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-01-20 08:17:27 » #1249406

I think the interesting thing is how Gen 1, the mascots were the Highest form of the starters matching the color. By Gen 2, it was legendaries. Where is the love for the starters? Or is it that all the starters after Gen 1 are stupid and don't deserve the same respect?

2 Points Flag
RitsuHasano commented at 2013-01-20 20:18:08 » #1249848

@Anon: The thing is, Gen I didn't really have much in the way of legendaries that you could actually put as version mascots. Besides the trio of birds, there was just Mewtwo, and Mew was supposed to be unknown, and it originally wasn't even supposed to be in the game. The starters were pretty much the best way to go about it for version mascots. With Gen II and beyond, there have been enough legendaries to make version mascots out of them

@Nauran: If Gen I Pokemon had come later, then most would still be complaining. If one of the newer gens were the first in the series, then that would be the one people formed an attachment and Nostalgia filters to.

It's weird like that.

13 Points Flag
leejunne commented at 2013-01-20 20:24:06 » #1249853

Somebody realized that Red, Blue, and Yellow match up with the colors of Moltres, Articuno, and Zapdos, but it's safe to say that this is just a coincidence/both are based off the primary colors.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-01-20 20:28:23 » #1249855

i dunno about that, the Gen I-III pokemon looked like animals, after that they started getting kinda... goofy looking and cartoony

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-02-01 12:10:39 » #1257368

^ Do tell me what the hell sort of animal Exploud is meant to be.

Anyway each Generation tends to get flak for everything, but once the next one or two come along people either suddenly like it or forget that it was "bad" in favour of bashing the new Gen.

Personally I've enjoyed pretty much every Gen as they came out, I just have a few issues with minor things in each. And to be honest, the only Gen where I didn't like the design of more than a couple of mons was Gen IV.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-10-07 08:02:14 » #1412316


Exploud appears to be based off a pipe organ rather than an animal, given the volume motif and the various pipes coming off its body.


Continuing off the above, Magnemite sure as hell wasn't based off an animal. Bellsprout is a plant. Diglett is basically a whack-a-mole. Machop and Abra's lines (as well as Mr. Mime) are more human than animal, based off human traits and activity: muscles, mystics and mimes. And this is just G1.

Now you sit there, look through the Gen 1-3 Pokémon, and tell the world in all honesty that there is nothing goofy-looking and cartoony in there. Next, tell the world how goofy-looking and cartoony Xerneas and Yveltal are compared to the likes of Mewtwo.

2 Points Flag
LG_Negi commented at 2014-01-22 13:37:20 » #1475001

Then there's the whole Exeggcute->Exeggutor thing as well as Remoraid->Octillary in Johto.

Oh, and I'm pretty sure the Abra line is supposed to be based off foxes or something like that.

1 Points Flag