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Demonluca commented at 2013-07-09 01:47:41 » #1356300

Why are there no comments here?This is fucking sexy!

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-07-09 02:21:12 » #1356321

Not everything needs a comment, y'know.

27 Points Flag
Master_Erebus commented at 2013-08-13 09:33:46 » #1379239

Hell yes it is luca and I would happily do this to mine. And anon luca meant folks comment to retarded stuff but something like this something so connected to the life is over looked most times but nothing in the lifestyle is bad. At least not the true lifestyle.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-08-07 16:27:12 » #1582223

It seems like they could resolve the predicament here just by pulling apart and snapping off the clamps. Momentary pain yes, but then Misuzu (the blonde) at least could probably scoot backwards. Rina's neck collar might prevent her doing the same, but at least there wouldn't be anything pulling on her nipples.
The obvious way to prevent this from being a solution would be to have them connected by nipple piercings, not clamps.

3 Points Flag