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Anonymous commented at 2013-06-11 18:54:08 » #1338601

I enter MALE and get THIS ???? :((

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-06-11 19:01:22 » #1338606

^ Yeah. It's a guy, after all.

But in all honesty, finding guys is a challenge. Since "male" is woefully undertagged (though mods have done some work to tag more relevant images with it), I usually end up not searching it, as it would eliminate any images of guys not tagged with it.

I usually end up with sickeningly long tag strings, negating any tags that would yield large numbers of females. At the very least, I usually end up negating all of the breast tags (usually with -*breasts), female-only clothing like skirts and dresses, the crossdressing tag (because it really doesn't interest me, as I prefer guys that look and dress like guys), touhou, madoka magica, and anything else with mainly female casts. I then end up piling on names of female characters as they invade my results.

Invariably, I get stuck with tons of images of girls with their tits hanging out (which irks me to no end), because nobody can be bothered to use the "breasts_outside" tag, thus thwarting my best efforts to remove them from my results.

Basically, if you want to get ALL the images of guys and not girls, you have a long, bumpy-ass road ahead of you. People who prefer girls have it so much easier.

1 Points Flag