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Anonymous commented at 2013-08-04 19:20:07 » #1373571

Imagine some lolis whose pussies were connected such that the stimulation of one of them will stimulate the others. Of two such lolis, one may be doing something normal like presenting in front of class at school, and the other may be in bed at her house about ready to rub herself raw. Now imagine the girl in school.

"As is represented by the statistics, having hydrated the beans in cup 'A-2' with oxygenated water as opposed to... O_o ...(uh oh) *grabs crotch* AH! AH! AH! OH! AH! AH! EEEEE! AH! AH! HAH! HAAW!" *GASP!* YES!! AH! AAH! OH GOD!!! I'M GONNA... ngg!! HAAAAAAHHHHHA!!!!! *pant* *pant* ...the beans in cup 'A-1' being hydrated with distilled water...

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-12-14 16:10:31 » #1453201

I can understand that the girl's fantasizing about someone named Mana while masturbating. That still doesn't stop me from thinking:


10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-01-13 16:59:37 » #1470480

^ Ditto. Does that mean she's fantasising about the Muppets?

3 Points Flag