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Anonymous commented at 2013-07-06 12:55:43 » #1354686

Ike: You, Mario and Kirby had to do this in E3 2013?

Link: Yes, and don't remind me of what happened when the surprise newcomer showed up...

14 Points Flag
MrLink commented at 2013-08-20 05:37:19 » #1383435

"What, like this?"

"NO! You're doing it all wrong!"

5 Points Flag
FlatBoard commented at 2013-11-11 20:06:18 » #1434635

Some people don't realize how high Ike's chances of being in SSB4. He's shown up more than most FE characters only behind Marth. Games have kept him relevant 2005 - 2012, and Masahiro Sakurai likes to re-use voice clips, models, motions, etc. Besides Ike had a really original moveset compared to Marth, he is the first FE character that had a game that made it to the U.S., the ONLY non-noble main character, and he's actually pretty popular.

The above does not mean he is guaranteed to get in, or that a 3rd FE character will not appear. Just giving hope to other Ike fans out there.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-05-27 01:48:42 » #1541406

@ FlatBoard
Wonder no more, Ike has been confirmed to return.

0 Points Flag