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TheDukeOfImagination commented at 2013-07-16 20:24:21 » #1361271

Why cant these two be in brawl dr.mario and nurse peach with different fighting style like they did for ganondorf

6 Points Flag
blueroseknight commented at 2013-08-14 04:59:55 » #1379696

Ganondorf's move set was the same as in Melee. His animations were just changed to make them look different.

3 Points Flag
WashiZ commented at 2014-08-25 16:44:18 » #1591887

blueroseknight...that same excuse could've been the death of both Luigi & Toon Link in Brawl.

The only excuses Sakurai really has, even in the upcoming Smash 4, for not including (or re-introducing) certain characters are either time-constraints or laziness.

Least of all the popularity of characters.

For a similar reason, the Ice Climbers will NOT make it back in as playable characters (as it looks so far). It's not as if there's any characters already in the game that the Ice Climbers would be "clones" of.

Oh yes! Before I forget, it doesn't look like either Ness or Lucas will be joining the playable cast of Smash 4!

4 Points Flag