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Anonymous commented at 2013-09-05 21:55:05 » #1393833

another new character will appear her name is violet greenback she was an ordinary teenage girl back on the real world the earth she finds a portal leading her into the world of Queen's blade. she later became a slave to a cruel evil mistress. her the clothes she wore was a school uniform from back in the real world version of Japan . there is also a Japan under a different name named Minamoto.

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Anonymous commented at 2013-09-06 20:41:24 » #1394390

violet greenback has a homeless sadistic exhibitionist type friend named Everette she wears a dress made from old recycled newspaper and lived in a cardboard box outside of her home a portal to many worlds opened and violet greenback and Everette were sent to many different dimensions and worlds having to join the battle for the queen's blade a powerful weapon made by a powerful queen and her magic to return to the normal world and become the new leaders of this distant dimension.

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Anonymous commented at 2013-09-07 10:56:26 » #1394760

another new character is Kristen Stevens a queen's blade version of the united states citizen. Kristen Stevens lives in a different world fighting the international competition of to win the queen's blade. she wears short shorts and a midriff revealing white tank top with no bra.

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