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Anonymous commented at 2013-09-12 18:15:40 » #1397906

Holy crap. Could we get a translation here?

9 Points Flag
malincar commented at 2013-09-17 22:29:08 » #1401144

It's a list of all (windows) Touhou characters, their titles, powers, and occupations, sorted by which game they appeared in.
It's also got characters introduced by written and sound official works. I'll translate it if I find time.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-12-07 00:55:34 » #1449111

no tag for Suika o.o
too lazy to make an account and fix

2 Points Flag
malincar commented at 2013-12-10 23:47:25 » #1451352

Welp, that's all done. A few notes now.
-9.5 (StB) and 12.3 (UNL) are not included because they introduce no new characters
-I included explanations in the translator's notes whenever something was outside my field of knowledge. Some of those may seem obvious, for others I may not have elaborated enough.
-There are certain very small footnotes that are nigh-unreadable to me even at the massive 3000x2100 resolution. I have provided what I read as the text in case someone disagrees.
-Per the last comment, I highly recommend viewing at full resolution.
-It's possible that I missed something, because the notes can sometimes be finicky like that. If it's something you really wanted to know, PM me and I'll fix it. (Or look it up and fix it yourself)

Happy Hunting!

6 Points Flag