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Anonymous commented at 2013-09-25 02:02:08 » #1405101

born like that with no vag...not shemale or futa..UM..LOGIC ERROR AND SELF-CONTRADICTION MUCH?

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-09-25 15:16:11 » #1405414

"Shemale" is generally recognized as being the real-life phenomena of Trannies.

"Futanari"- strictly speaking- are supposed to have both sets of genitalia.

The logic is sound.

If one must classify her, I'd say "Newhalf" would be the most appropriate term, although many agree that Newhalf is a subdivision of Futanari- and so the tag may remain as is.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-09-27 11:19:19 » #1406422

This is from Lucifer no Musume or rather, the characters are. Gal with the cock is supposed to be sent to a catholic girls school, there she forms a harem from a repressed Nun, and the Dean who (spoiler warning) goes to a club where she bangs some barely legal guy with a monster schlong. Never found it translated but damn its a good look.

9 Points Flag