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Anonymous commented at 2013-12-24 20:09:29 » #1458996

Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka? It must be nice to be ratracer8492 and be so lazy not to list sources.

17 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-12-24 20:59:27 » #1459041

The user must not know jack about hentai and just put 5 tags in and call it a day. He might have a life outside of hentai and just want to put these in asap before Santa Claus finds out and said "OHH OHH YOU NAUGHTY NOW BITCH!!!"

Seriously, I seen posts that have only one tag and a good look at this user's history still got one tag posts 4 years ago.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-12-24 21:27:24 » #1459052

Keep in mind that not everybody who post is an hentai expert. Some people might be good seekers and terrible sourcers, and some are good sourcers and terrible seekers. Hell, I don't know the name of several of the gifs that this user posted and is having a hard time trying to figure out what is what.

Either the user don't know who they are or is giving us a twisted test this x-mas.

15 Points Flag
Mderms commented at 2013-12-24 21:29:34 » #1459055

Source added, cant remember the characters name off the top of my head at the moment.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-12-25 10:56:28 » #1459329

If one have over 100 gifs in his profile, it will take him all night to find and name sources. That's not lazy, that is smart. It's oblivious that he don't want to spend a lot of time naming stuff when there are experts who know hentai from a single frame.

5 Points Flag
Jerl commented at 2013-12-25 13:18:26 » #1459369

While we certainly would prefer that an uploader include copyright and character tags for all of their uploads, we can't require them to. As long as they meet the 5 tag minimum, they've done all that they're required to when tagging their uploads.

On the other hand, though, the uploader should have at least included copyright_request/source_request and character_request in the tags for the exact reason that other users would be able to supply the relevant information. I'll also point out that these tags do not count towards the 5 tag minimum.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-12-26 17:49:54 » #1460030

I took a look at this user's post and damn, the users here hate this guy more than the Republicans hate President Obama.

People here act like this is the first time that it happened to them, stopped fapping, got their face red hot, and blew a lid. A few weeks ago somebody else is pulling the same stunt and I don't see any nasty comments towards him.

And what about the idiots who put out 1 tag on hundreds of posts and got the hell out of there fast? He's deserve a bigger punishment for breaking the rules. The uploader must've broke an unwritten rule that not a lot of users know about.

The uploader here don't know shit about hentai and forgot to use the copyright_request, source_request and character_request tags. No need to get all hoopla over an event that repeats itself over again with different people.

8 Points Flag