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Anonymous commented at 2013-12-27 11:18:54 » #1460412

where do these danbooru users get their name-manglings? "戦艦棲姫" doesn't have a kanji for symbiotic in it at all. "戦艦" is "senkan", battleship. "棲" is "sei", live/dwell". "姫" is "hime", princess.

an interesting point is that 姫 can also be read "ki", just like 鬼 can. this was most likely done on purpose, for example, in the case of nanpouseiki (commonly tagged as "southern ocean oni" around here), whose event featured two other forms of her, culminating in "southern maritime war princess", 'nanpoukaisenki'.

6 Points Flag
Monkeyboy commented at 2016-03-15 11:55:00 » #1915800

My dear friend. I am currently in the same field of study, but, can't you think of a better place than a porn site to give your lectures?

2 Points Flag