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Anonymous commented at 2014-02-07 15:27:34 » #1483804

This hentai shouldn't never end!

39 Points Flag
Daijin commented at 2014-02-07 15:30:17 » #1483806

That's a double negative; you just said this hentai should end.

76 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-02-08 14:18:41 » #1484297

Really guys interracial? This? Man you guys will just stick that tag on anything. All you have to do is take a look at the tags pictures to realize the people tagging things as interracial have no fucking idea what interracial is. Since almost 70% of the pictures under the tag are not interracial. Stop tagging what you want to see and tag whats actually there, it's not hard. Not many real interracial drawings exist so just suck it up and stop tagging everything with a guy/guys that's not pale as a vampire as interracial. Ill let someone else remove the tag from this since anyone with half a brain can tell this shit has nothing to do with interracial. P.S people that want to look for real interracial can't on this site thanks to how much false tagging there is on here, thanks guys.

20 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-02-08 18:49:12 » #1484460

what ep is this ?

7 Points Flag
alkatrazjr commented at 2014-02-09 04:24:36 » #1484707

There's only four episodes, what is it with everyone begging for episode number, it's not like you have a lot to look through

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-02-10 01:58:53 » #1485275

@anon2 i see an elf and a bunch of humans, how is this not interracial?

31 Points Flag
HHwolf commented at 2014-02-12 22:32:29 » #1486820

I agree with anon2's point, but as anon4 said, this is the wrong picture to complain about it on.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-03-15 04:17:32 » #1503411

Generally elves are not considered to be human, so are a different species, not a different race. Since race in humans is essentially breed in other animals, ie dogs or cats or w/e, inter-species would be the correct tag.

17 Points Flag
HATESPLOSION commented at 2014-04-06 01:38:39 » #1514582

Fair warning: this series may depress the shit out of you.
Just liking rape won't be enough.

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-10-14 04:37:18 » #1617340

She was a goddess to them. This would be like the virgin Mary stepping out of painting, doing a striptease then telling you to give Jesus a sibling.

25 Points Flag