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Dante1016996 commented at 2014-03-07 19:11:11 » #1499623

and the lid still stayed on!

34 Points Flag
KingDizi commented at 2014-03-17 16:28:49 » #1504684

Fuck it, close enough. Had pickles.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-01-22 22:18:59 » #1675110

Make the lid part of the next Skullgirls.

11 Points Flag
Dirty_Harry commented at 2016-02-29 02:04:35 » #1907051

Fun fact: the air pressure inside the glass is lower. That's what holds the lid on so tightly. To equalize the pressure you can a) put a hole into the lid (use a nail), or b) (if you want to save the lid) put that glass in warm water for 5 minutes (thermal expansion). But don't use boiling water. Temperature shock stresses glass and it cracks.

P.S.: I apply brute force though, because that option is available to me.

4 Points Flag
Auranium commented at 2016-07-25 02:51:46 » #1992256

Personally if I can't open it with brute force I use a knife or a fork and jab it into the gap between the jar and the lid and give it a twist, this creates a tiny gap that lets the pressure equalize and the lid comes off really easy.

4 Points Flag
MyPitah commented at 2016-07-25 02:55:25 » #1992260

Dirty_Harry's 1st advice is usually the best, except for the choice of tool : i would not go for a nail as it's to frail and you'll just hurt yourself. A metallic flat tool like a flat-headed screwdriver would do.

3 Points Flag