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Anonymous commented at 2014-04-14 06:17:44 » #1518986

Translation is somewhat like: "Get in quietly, please!!"

3 Points Flag
KillerLoli commented at 2014-04-15 17:00:51 » #1519800

Is this the in-universe equivalent to down+B?

12 Points Flag
Lucriel commented at 2014-04-17 07:29:12 » #1520640

dat bulge tho

1 Points Flag
Anti_Gendou commented at 2014-04-19 15:28:26 » #1521862

We were told a variety of bullshit button mashes to control the odds of capture that changed from place to place. Before the internet anyone could make shit up and it spread locally instead. But even then, Pokemon was so popular and universal that those button mashes spread everywhere.

Then we got old enough to understand coding in the roms and emulators and found that there was nothing the player could do after throwing a ball whatsoever.

Also the MMO game came out and revealed that the success of capture are determined the moment you use the pokeball item. The animation is just extra tension.

The MMO game had the animation, but you could see if the pokemon was captured or not earlier than you could in the console version in the interface on the side. Since the MMO is running off the rom just like the console, I assumed this was the case.

10 Points Flag