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icejuice commented at 2014-04-16 21:31:13 » #1520423

accurate trap tagging is back!

28 Points Flag
Daijin commented at 2014-04-16 22:24:12 » #1520444

It's accurate now because tag was properly removed.

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-04-17 00:18:02 » #1520501

How isn't this trap?

26 Points Flag
Daijin commented at 2014-04-17 00:37:17 » #1520512


This is why. Most people skip this part of the trap tag definition:

"As a rule of thumb, if you can correctly tell the gender with complete certainty from the thumbnail alone, it's not a trap."

And please do not talk about how the term trap is used outside of this site. We don't care. This is how the trap tag is used here.

19 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-04-17 02:54:57 » #1520556

Yeah but fuck thumbnails. They're not part of the artwork. The trap is Inside the artwork. Everybody knows your rule is downright stupid and you don't even seem to have a clue about it.

34 Points Flag
Daijin commented at 2014-04-17 15:07:24 » #1520808

Thumbnails are previews of the artwork so it is the artwork. Saying that it isn't part of the artwork is stupid. And you don't have to agree with the rule, you just have to follow it.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-04-17 15:15:44 » #1520810

Dude, Daijin, thumbnails are in no way part of the artwork. Its just a thing(like a nameplate) to give a brief description of what your about to see. If you read the news articles of today, do you only go by what the name of the article says, or do you read the entire story so you can fully understand it?

19 Points Flag
Daijin commented at 2014-04-17 15:41:21 » #1520829

In journalism it is pushed to learn how to create article titles that are catchy or pull the reader in to make them want to read the article. So the title is very much part of the whole article, maybe even the most important as its function is to make people interested to read the story in the first place.

A thumbnail works much in the same way, giving you a preview of the full image, allowing you the choice to see the full image or not based on interest.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-04-17 17:53:00 » #1520879

That is far too many words for this argument. The rule is: if you can see the penis, it's not a trap. It's not complicated.

I personally don't like the rule, since Bridget is a trap regardless of how much his dress is or isn't covering in any given picture, but whatever.

6 Points Flag
Jerl commented at 2014-04-17 19:38:22 » #1520918

Comparing the thumbnails to a news article title is pretty flawed.

Thumbnails literally are the image, just shrunk down. If you take a newspaper article and shorten it by abbreviating every word, it will be smaller, but it will still effectively have the exact same information. It might take some work to make out the meaning of some of the abbreviations, just like it might be more difficult to make out finer details in larger images that have been shrunk down into thumbnails, but you can still do it.

But even that analogy doesn't really work. How about this: I open the full, original image on my phone, and hold it out at arm's length. Its appearance is identical to the thumbnail in my browser at my usual ~70cm viewing distance. Does viewing an image further away make it a different image? If you're going to say "yes", then I have some unfortunate news for you: this means that everyone is viewing a different version of this image, and in fact you are probably viewing a different version now than when when you wrote your prior response. This kinda causes your argument to break down, because if that's the case, and we're still applying tags to images even though people are viewing different versions of the image, then how is that any different from applying the tags to the thumbnail? The thumbnail is just another version of the image, and as I've said, your brain cannot distinguish it from the original image at a higher pixel density or longer distance, except for a slight amount of JPEG artifacting, which is incredibly difficult to make out anyway, but which in this case wouldn't have anything to do with whether you can see the character's penis or not. In cases where JPEG artifacting does make it difficult to make out the character's penis, "trap" does apply.

Regardless, even if you complain about it, the meaning of this tag will not change any time soon. It isn't even fully within our hands; Danbooru would need to change their usage of the tag before we could, since our tagging relies heavily on theirs due to 70% of our images being imported from Danbooru with Danbooru's tags. Of course, feel free to go make your case on their forums for changing the meaning of the tag.

Votespamming a mod comment into the negatives isn't enough to make it go away if it relates to tagging policy.

9 Points Flag