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Xalrun commented at 2014-04-21 12:10:16 » #1522822

No. We're not having this argument again.

9 Points Flag
Zort commented at 2014-04-24 01:39:43 » #1524018

huh? what argument?

19 Points Flag
lahdeedah commented at 2014-04-24 02:05:08 » #1524026

The argument about traps. Everybody goes crazy, mods get involved, comments get deleted, and nothing gets changed except for the image being locked. By the way, this is a partially uncensored version of post #1374398 if a mod is willing to unlock and move over tags.

25 Points Flag
SomeRandomPerv commented at 2014-04-24 06:36:58 » #1524094

Uh.... To whoever locked this image:
This is an uncensored version of a similar image that was tagged as buttjob. Why was the tag removed? Plus, the source and chartacter is known in this pic below:

1 Points Flag
Daijin commented at 2014-04-24 07:17:26 » #1524108

This image never had the buttjob tag. Also, to the whiner of the trap tag...this boy looks nothing like a female, so the trap tag doesn't even apply, thumbnail rule having nothing to do with it.

If you can't tell he's a boy, then you're blind.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-04-25 07:16:39 » #1524611

Well, it doesn't matter if a character is a trap or not. The definition that Gelbooru has for traps is the only one that matters even if that definition was to be deemed incorrect by 99% of the userbase.

The mods themselves have nothing to do with the definition as it was imported from Danbooru. If you want to complain, go complain on Danbooru and make them change their definition. If they change it over there you will have a better case over here on Gelbooru.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-04-25 10:30:06 » #1524678

Jesus Christ, stop spamming the comments page with these gigantic diatribes about traps.

This isn't even a relevant image - he's not crossdressing. The character is not wearing a scrap of feminine clothing in any of the images tagged with his name. You're angrily tapping out manifestos against "trap" meaning "penis not shown" and you don't even know the correct definition you think you're defending.

13 Points Flag
Daijin commented at 2014-04-25 15:35:21 » #1524797

Because he doesn't know any better.

2 Points Flag
lahdeedah commented at 2014-04-25 16:14:05 » #1524810

This is exactly what I mean about people going crazy. It's kind of funny as a disinterested party when the posts are concise, but long comments can get tedious.
The argument always goes like this: "Whar trap tag?!"
"No trap for you!"
"I hate you! You're not my real dad!"
*intense glowering*

5 Points Flag
trotter commented at 2014-06-10 14:58:26 » #1549501

Yum I like it

1 Points Flag