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Anonymous commented at 2014-05-05 13:02:38 » #1529863


48 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-05-05 20:45:35 » #1530025

"Bitch is just Cammy with a mask...new character my ass. LITERALLY!"

36 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-05-06 00:33:11 » #1530124

Decapre seriously could have been just an alternate costume

28 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-05-11 16:02:21 » #1533211

Decrap, you mean :D

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-05-13 04:32:17 » #1534068

The whole "Cammy with a mask" thing is an unfair judgement. It's already been confirmed that she will be a charge character. Her move set isn't 100% the same not to mention she will probably be different balance wise. If her hair didn't look like Cammy's only half the people would be complaining.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-05-14 22:06:11 » #1534976

Think the thing everyone forgets is that Cammy and all the girls under M.Bison are all artificial or brain washed agents, Cammy was defective so she grew her own persona so to speak.

Cammy still considers those girls her sisters as proven in one of the Street Fighter animations where Juri Han is hunting them all down. Which I believe Juri was meant to be an agent as well, not sure.

But Street Fighters done this before with those agents and two of them fighting the same. On top Sean, Dan, Ken, Ryu all have the same fighting bases but no one really complains about them. I'm not on either side of this, I just want to see Q. and Alex be put in 3d already.

2 Points Flag
Screwattack commented at 2014-05-20 17:49:17 » #1537915

You kidding me? I seriously cannot be the only person who hated those shotos since the beginning hence why I am not a fan of Street Fighter. That and well it's not really my kind of fighting series. Though I did enjoy Alpha 3.

Both Alex and Abel were meant to be the new main protagonists for Street Fighter III and Street Fighter IV respectively but for some reason or another Capcom bailed at the last minuted. At least SNK Playmore has the guts to not only make new protagonists but shake up their roster.

11 Points Flag
asia_catdog_blue commented at 2014-06-08 08:53:33 » #1548109

#1537915: Namco and Midway/Netherrealm, too.

And that's why I love them!

2 Points Flag
LG_Negi commented at 2014-06-28 08:09:45 » #1559390

Screwattack- No, I hate the shotos too, though Akuma's alright. Lame fighting style, boring/annoying/no personality, and take up like a 4th of the roster.

As to the picture and decapre; said it before, but if they hadn't spent over half a year hyping the hell out of her, people wouldn't have made nearly as big a deal out of it and this picture makes me happy.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-07-03 18:33:26 » #1562567

That's for taking my spot, bitch!

7 Points Flag