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Anonymous commented at 2014-05-22 20:10:52 » #1539135

You know after seeing this. I wouldn't mind seeing Dark Souls 2, or 1 hell even Demon's Souls as a movie/tv show in this style.

And if the people producing it are doing it right, and they don't skip shit, and add on some dumb bs than DS the animation, or movie would have a place on the top 10 animated movies/tv shows of all time.

As a movie probably have like 30 fucking parts, and a tv show like over 150 fucking episodes.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-05-22 23:02:24 » #1539229

There's definitely potential with the games. Kadokawa(sp?) did recently buy FromSoft so we'll see. Number one thing to keep in mind in order to not fuck up, keep it dark and brooding. And leave the viewer guessing somewhat.

we'll see what kadokawa wants to do

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-05-25 09:24:28 » #1540369

why don't lucatiel have no plot?

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-05-25 15:44:10 » #1540511


In order to make it a perfect Dark Souls: The Animation
CU- Choosen Undead, In Dark Souls 2 case Cursed Undead

1) Keep it dark like you said.
2) Keep the Choosen Undead silent. If he gets a "Yes", "No" prompt like in games make him nod his head "Yes", or shake his head "no".
3) Change up their armor every few episodes including their play style.
4) Include Jolly Co-Operation with Solaire time to time, or with Spirits of other characters. (Because without other players I swear to god a lot of people would be stuck.)
5) Keep to the games plot & side stories, and don't include some BS. Though having little extra scenes like CU being sadden because of Anatascia being killed by Lautrec at the end of an episode, or like the CU being happy to see Dusk okay saving her. (Don't give the CU a romantic interest.)
6) Let the CU die sometimes in a few episodes.
7) When it comes to the ending of the game. Have a vote from the viewers for which one to play. The Dark Lord ending, or the King of Flames.
8) After finishing the main story is finished make Artorias of the Abyss DLC episodes a cut-in taking place between the main story after Dusk is rescued.

17 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-06-12 10:47:11 » #1550587

>> #1540511

Wouldn't it be cooler if it ends with us seeing Gwyn dashing for CU instead? That way we can leave the ending up for interpretation.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-07-30 23:01:32 » #1577767

is there some sort of petition to sign 'cuz i'll do it right now

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-07-30 23:04:28 » #1577770

i think the AotA DLC should happen with in the main plot before CU has to fight Sif then you get the sad scene where sif recognizes CU but has to fight them anyway

1 Points Flag