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kaen commented at 2014-05-26 00:12:53 » #1540747

For some reason i couldn't just convert the original .swf file to .gif, might be due to how the artist compiled it or may be i'm just a noob. Anyway this was the best i could do with a few extra conversions.

This is from the DLsite version of the CG, which has been around for a long while. Apparently the BOOTH version has less censorship, just in case anyone cared.

5 Points Flag
Kayriss commented at 2014-05-26 05:19:01 » #1540881

Mofuringu made ANOTHER Flash? oh god someone post a link quick!

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-05-26 05:30:32 » #1540883

I concur with Kayriss.

And to the less censored version. The internet will be thankful, and many internets will be awarded.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-05-26 07:04:55 » #1540896

Can someone please tell us where to get this game? sauce please!

2 Points Flag
kaen commented at 2014-05-28 01:39:17 » #1541905

This is old, like, a year old, it came together with the image set that was posted here a few days earlier, it has been available to download for free since like 2 days after its release. The source is right there to your left, it doesn't take much more than basic reading and copy-pasting skills to get a link. Now if what you want is the BOOTH version you'll either have to buy it yourselves or ask some of the generous souls on the internet to get it and post it since i haven't seen it, and all google results lead to the DLs version download. Cheers~

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-05-28 04:57:26 » #1541961

While supposed links to the DLsite version ARE indeed easy to find, the matter is finding one that actually still works. Most results come up with "file deleted", or require a "downloader" *cough depositfiles*. Some filesharing forums claim to have this file in download links in these weird packs that contain multiple products, but they're rather sketchy.

The best option right now is to just fork over the 3 or so dollars and buy it from BOOTH, if the site accepts non-japanese payment options. Knowing the company behind this, I think it'll be worth it.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-05-14 03:15:37 » #1739748

Download links for this are becoming harder to find, and each one is dead. Currently, there doesn't seem to be a way to get this flash.

1 Points Flag