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leatherhead93 commented at 2014-06-20 10:49:50 » #1554918

Honestly speaking I think this part of the story is one of the biggest deus ex plot devices so far. Kishi already knew he made Madara to powerful so he had to bring back the only people who could give him trouble.

But it's pretty absurd how they conveniently had enough zetsu's attached to Sasuke for this ritual and how Orochimaru was so easily able to break the laws the show had established. Personally speaking I wish the reanimation justu in general wasn't spammed as much as it has been in the series because it's more or less just an excuse to bring back people like Itachi and Minato to give them closure (with Sasuke and Naruto).

36 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-06-20 13:19:20 » #1554994

#1554918 "biggest deus ex plot devices "

lol, you don't read the manga, do you?

Wait until the architect from the matrix shows up and directly gives godmode hax to the protagonists. Then a M night shyamalan "WHAT A TWIST" of madara only being a puppet of the final boss.

It really turns into DBZ with people just suddenly doing or being what/where ever they need to make the plot do whatever the author whats.

19 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-06-20 14:30:56 » #1555037


At least DBZ KNOWS it's like that and doesn't take itself too seriously.

On the other hand, Naruto is constantly trying to make itself out to be dramatic and such, then throws such crap in.

20 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-06-20 15:56:06 » #1555079

Let´s not forget that all of this is happening in the Uzumaki shrine, because apparently the Uzumaki clan had a house with the mask of the Shinigami (which can revive people) and nobody thought that telling the protagonist of the manga who is part of said clan was a good idea.
Seriously it´s like not telling Jotaro that Dio stole Jonathan´s body or that he comes from a powerful family lineage, the Joestar.
Heck, Naruto didn´t know that the Uzumaki was a clan until now and they are almost done with the manga.
WTF Kishimoto, you can´t be that bad at writting about your own creation can you?
Then again considering how much Road to Ninja sucked I only see this manga getting worse chapter after chapter.

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-06-20 16:29:06 » #1555103

Nah, Road to ninja was alright. Any who disliked it were hyping way too much over the other characters having a bigger role in the film. Did people honestly think an anime film was going to have enough time to go so deep in to every single altered personality character along with Naruto building up a relationship with his parents? There simply isn't enough time. It's like asking for an entire arc for each individual character in the film.

17 Points Flag
leatherhead93 commented at 2014-06-21 14:26:56 » #1555631

It's not just that though. The movie was hyping up us seeing the characters with alternate personalities in the trailers but all we got was a VERY small section of the movie dedicated to them before they are COMPLETELY cut from the story. That's the part that pissed me off. It would have been nice if they had all shown up during a fight or something but they were at best used for the shock value of "omg look how different they are!" and nothing more.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-06-21 16:21:26 » #1555684

To be fair, the trailer only showcased their alternate personalities. It never showed them doing crazy jutsu or anything. If they were going to have a bigger role in the film, don't you think the trailers would have shown them in an action scene? Rather than just them being in a bath tub? The film didn't really promise them having a bigger role in the film, it just presented you with the "new" characters in the film, and then people just thought they would get a lot of screen time because of that.

11 Points Flag