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Anonymous commented at 2014-09-26 10:33:36 » #1608253

It'll be really awesome if Capcom decides to remake BoF2...
...And add more options besides rewriting the awful translations.

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-06-14 19:25:27 » #1757726

Yeah, any and all of the BoF series being remade for the current systems would be super awesome. Never gonna happen though, unlike Square, Capcom doesn't believe in reboots, and apparently does learn from the mistakes they make. If a game series that was previously doing awesome ends up selling shitty in a new release...well Capcom assumes nobody likes the series, rather than figuring out that the game mechanics of the new game suck.

Blah blah blah, Capcom runs series into the ground just as bad as Electronic Arts ( EA )

4 Points Flag