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Anonymous commented at 2014-11-08 00:50:45 » #1631127

Bloated like her ego.

14 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-02-16 21:54:53 » #1689921

That got downvoted?

Wow. Do any of you know *anything* about the man???

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-02-22 07:32:42 » #1693083

Being an egotistical ass, and assuming everyone but you is an idiot doesn't help your position, anon.

Goering was inarguably the second-most important person in Germany, during the reign of Adolf Hitler. A little bit of egotism - such as assuming he would lead the Reich when Hitler died - is to be expected.

7 Points Flag
Hanafuda88 commented at 2020-07-30 23:06:43 » #2555068

@#1693083 -
"A little bit of egotism..." is a very big understatement, especially when factoring in the difference between assuming he would lead, and the reality of his efforts to make sure he did (including trying to convince Hitler to give up command). That's not from a *small* ego; it's more like the "bloated" one mentioned by Anon1. Don't know about the downvotes thing, but it does sound like someone tried to bury that comment for getting it right.

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