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Anonymous commented at 2014-12-01 15:13:35 » #1644836

Woah, need translation.

6 Points Flag
mmrr commented at 2015-05-06 08:31:07 » #1735232

The Pokemon Girls’ Ball Crushing Day!!

Black, spiky-haired girl (personification of Genga/Geyuga):

“So, boys lose just by having their balls crushed, do they.”

This is Geyuga-chan who doesn’t quite understand how important balls are yet.

Today as well she is bearing the burden of the original sin (this may be a reference to being on her period, but I’m not sure).

She will crush our balls until they’re a sloppy mess and not even a single trace of them remains.

cruuuushhhhh~~~ squeeze!!! sound of being crumpled into a mush

"It sure is a weakness that balls can be crushed into a mess just by swinging them around and treading on them lightly.

That must be rough for guys! I feel sorry for you, so I’ll go ahead and crush your balls in advance.”

bounce squeezes finger joints

Girl with long hair (personification of Voltorb/Biriri):

“sigh For a man of this social standing to try to fight with me… Hey, look at that, your balls don’t even have a shape; they’ve been crushed. After all, there’s no way to put to use balls and other such things that have no value, right?

I’ve gone through all this trouble to kick them up and destroy them for you. It’s something you should be grateful for…!”

Big Sister Biriri’s bulls-eye strike has a crushing rate of 200%!!! Crushing one of the balls is 100% And crushing the other ball is another 100%!!

Girl with 3 dots on her shirt (personification of Deoxys/Deokishisu): “That’s it! I will kick your precious little balls up from below?

Because Big Sister Biriri scared you, you want me to destroy your little balls?…

This time I’ll leave your balls un-destroyed. But next time, I’ll pound them into a pulp!”

Deo-tan is a nice girl, so forgive her for kicking your balls up with her heel. If you’re a man, lets accept the woman’s intense punishment with all our might!

A direct hit to the epididymis! whoosh

Girl in the lower right corner (doesn’t say what pokemon she is): “Constantly having the nerve to think about touching even the tips of my breasts… Your body is shameful."

(man speaking “Ah! I’m so s-s-sorry.” shudder)

"You can’t touch. Because I’m going to crush your balls.”

crussshhhh sound of bursting

9 Points Flag