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deverborgen06 commented at 2016-06-27 04:22:34 » #1976268

I saw the ascot, then I saw the grave, then I saw the other graves, then I saw Remilia's name, then I found the pocket watch, the beret and star, the crescent, and then the necktie.

What happened to everyone? I originally found this on Safebooru's "Tragedy of Long Life" pool, and the graves suggest that everyone Flandre holds dear to her has passed on, but what could have led to this?

And Flandre is a vampire just like her sister, so I don't think she has much time left herself.

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deverborgen06 commented at 2016-07-05 05:13:14 » #1980976

Edit to previous comment. I meant Danbooru's pool. Safebooru doesn't have this pool as far as I know

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