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L12345 commented at 2014-09-15 11:33:05 » #1602595

My translation senses is saying Ashley is butthurt that she wont be in any future RE games, and Sherry says something to the effect of "At least *YOU* were in a game everyone loved"

That or Ashley whining about ballistics & back problems then Sherry being pissed that she hates that shes in her early 20s and still 3 cups smaller than the 16 year old

7 Points Flag
KhightMare commented at 2014-09-15 13:39:46 » #1602652

Which is funny to me because Ashley doesn't have a huge chest in canon.

Also at least Sherry would have an excuse for her chest. The G-Virus inside her causes her to age extremely slow. Which is why she looks like a teenager when she well into her 20's.. 26 I believe.

3 Points Flag
Screwattack commented at 2014-09-19 21:22:10 » #1605011

Are you kidding me? The official art for Ashely Graham shows that she is quite developed in the chest area. Not to mention at least Ashely doesn't have to team up with the most generic stale protagonist ever.

Sherry might have been in a far worse game and has a smaller chest but I will take her over miss fun bags over there who can't defend herself.

8 Points Flag
KhightMare commented at 2014-09-20 07:03:52 » #1605221

She's developed, but she isn't "huge" Ashley is a B cup. This picture (and every other RE Ashley picture for that matter) shows her at D cup size.

But I agree I would pick Sherry any day of the week over Ashley.

10 Points Flag
whoooo commented at 2014-12-27 18:22:39 » #1659988

But Ashley is equipped with ballistics...

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-02-26 06:44:52 » #1695205

First of all Ashley is 20 in RE4. Second of all her tits are way bigger than a B cup, even stevey wonder can see that. What's his name even notices them as soon as he sees her.

11 Points Flag
KhightMare commented at 2015-08-27 11:23:02 » #1803023

They are not "way bigger" than a B-Cup. At the very most she has a C-cup. But nothing more than that. Google B and C cups, and you'll see Ashley fits perfectly in that range. What's shown here is closer to F's.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-02-13 08:26:59 » #2211455

still waiting for the translation.

5 Points Flag