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densuke commented at 2014-09-20 02:36:59 » #1605134

*see original for animation*

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-09-20 06:07:47 » #1605205

Dat micro-labia/orifice censor technique :D

2 Points Flag
Anti_Gendou commented at 2014-09-20 11:52:39 » #1605304

Made with MMD?

Or something similar?

I've been seeing fluid 3D dances that a lot of people on Youtube and other sites would call "MMD" even though they were obviously made with something better.

I have yet to figure out what.

2 Points Flag
densuke commented at 2014-09-20 12:28:32 » #1605317


Yes, it was made in MMD, but now people are using better 3D models.

In fc2 video you can find hundreds MMD videos, hentai and not.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-09-20 20:51:39 » #1605570

The modeler of the most famous Idolmaster models, Kurauchi, permits pretty much any edit and usage of his models you could think of. So a lot of people retexture his models or take their heads and put them on any manner of different bodies. Try googling "MMD エロm@s" or use it as a search term on Nicovideo and fc2 and you'll come up with a buttload of the stuff.

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