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Anonymous commented at 2014-10-06 18:45:48 » #1613677

Artist's notes from Deviantart

1. Started with quite general standing pose. I almost always start with something like this.
2. I wanted to draw the same character from behind. I would want to practice drawing characters from behind more often. Decided to add a bed and a billow.
3. Sitting pose. I wanted to give a bit embarrassed feel in the pose.
4. Shamelessly laying down on the bed. This was super tricky to draw, easily the hardest one in this compilation
5. Balancing on one foot. I never ever thought drawing such a pose so why not?
6. Again sitting. I didn't plan to show her crotch but I couldn't help it. Sayako didn't appreciate.
7. Lying down on the bed, seen from behind. This time Sayako was quick enough to clamp her legs together. Damn!
8. More bold pose. The right leg is bent just to make it more challenging to draw. Sayako didn't appreciate.
9. Sayako got too embarrased. She wasn't willing to make more poses. Maybe next time.

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