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twilight_jester commented at 2014-10-19 13:59:33 » #1620335

can someone translate this please, I like to know why midna is blushing like she saw something that's sexy to her.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-10-22 02:57:42 » #1621649

Zelda said how could you think link would like someone so flat chested I bet makes all the girls break down crying like that.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-10-24 16:41:28 » #1623073

Looks like someone finally got noticed by sempai.

3 Points Flag
twilight_jester commented at 2014-10-26 02:32:29 » #1623819

looks more like Zelda is tailing Midna how cute she think Midna is.

2 Points Flag
sahroo commented at 2015-03-07 22:44:46 » #1700951

I can't read Japanese for shit. I took a jab at translating it, but I'm gonna give up. This script is really difficult.

From what I can understand, though, The first two lines are

Zelda: Oh! It's Midna!
Midna: Huh? The Zelda of this world knows about me? (Zelda Musou)

Zelda then goes on to explain about a super love story supposedly about Midna and the Zelda in Twilight Princess and how everyone in Zelda Musou's Hyrule knows about the story.

And then... there's something about Agetha talking about cats in the last panel..? Like I said, this script is hard for someone trying to translate through Google and Tangorin.

In any case, Midna is just super embarrassed that there's basically a romance fan fiction about her running rampant. Her quivering words in the last panel are along the lines of "No more, I'm going to die of embarrassment."

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