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Anonymous commented at 2014-10-26 09:45:23 » #1623928

Butt-Stallion finally finds his true calling

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-10-27 08:24:42 » #1624502

Wasn't butt-Stallion a girl though?

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-03-04 19:49:30 » #1699081

if you wanna get technical, we actually don't 100% know Butt-Stallion's gender. It's common practice (in America, at least) to call a horse 'girl', much like how you'd instinctively say 'good boy' to a dog even before knowing its gender. Stallion does connote a boy horse, but without clear eveidence, it could go either way.

That said, this is clearly ~A~ butt-stallion, regardless of whether or not it is ~THE~ Butt-Stallion, so either way, Anon1 is correct.


0 Points Flag
Paradise commented at 2015-10-27 09:58:15 » #1837938

Butt-stallion WAS a girl. In the Assault on Dragons Keep DLC she was the "queen" you were rescuing. Tiny tiny herself referred to her as a girl repeatedly. Oddly enough however, stallion DOES usually refer to a male. Just not in this case. Also, that's NOT Butt-stallion. It's from "Rush Rise Line", whatever that is.

2 Points Flag