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leejunne commented at 2014-11-29 01:00:15 » #1643489

Thanks to the Villager Facebook page for the translation.

Kind of strange since Nosferatu is his/her Down Special and not his/her Side Special, but I think we can all relate.

The worst is when you use Robin in Smash Run and the final battle is Climb!, because eventually the tome for Elwind will disappear!!

3 Points Flag
OnyxSwift commented at 2014-12-01 01:22:19 » #1644568

I experienced the same problem. It was this weird association thing, I'm a Fire Emblem fan, so I think of Robin's specials in terms of the tome names rather than "[Direction] [button]" like for everyone else, and since Elwind fired down, there were a few times when my hands thought it was the down B instead of the up.

Pretty sure I'm completely passed it now though.

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