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Anonymous commented at 2014-12-17 02:10:56 » #1653846

"Tiki! I need you for an experiment! I want to know the stats of a soldier in the Shepherds when they inherit Grima AND Naga's blood!"

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-12-18 00:29:53 » #1654363

Well, her modifiers are 0/-1/0/+1+/+2/+1/+2, somewhat odd considering we can assume she has major Naga blood and Naga blood gives boosted Magic.

Given Nintendo's general portrayal of Robin as a mage means we can probably assume he has a +mag asset, and, given his movement speed in Smash Bros, -speed, giving him modifiers of 0/+4/0/-1/-1/0/+2, which is actually appropriate, given the popular fan theory of Grima being related to Loptyr.

anyroad, adding the flat +1s for being a second generation unit, that would mean Morgan has personal bases of +1/+4/+1/+1/+2/+2/+5. not bad for something like a NosTank.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-12-18 16:55:07 » #1654802

@Anon2: Awww, well now you've taken all the fun out of it! *flips desk and marries Olivia for amazing Luck stats*

4 Points Flag