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Anonymous commented at 2015-01-15 16:08:48 » #1670757

hm...not to bash on the animators but I think the scenes would have sparkled if they lightly censored the penis instead of heavily censoring it...

8 Points Flag
Darth_Grimm commented at 2015-01-25 20:12:53 » #1676710

The Japanese are no allowed to depict the penis, clitoris, or the joining of the penis and the vagina... therefore... awful censorship.

4 Points Flag
MrScrambled commented at 2016-04-30 05:29:47 » #1941745

Anyone else thinks it's rather bizarre how porn is drastically censored in japan still? You would've figured by now (or in the coming years) the suits would've said aww screw it, this just makes everyone (in a massive industry btw) put in extra time blurring out what they worked on. I'm definitely a bit ignorant as to why it's enforteced so strictly, but I mean come oon it's porn.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-04-30 05:35:17 » #1941746

It's actually law, so no, I don't find it weird that it's still censored. Laws don't change quickly, or at all if there's no public outcry, and I'm having a hard time imagining a situation where the Japanese people demand uncensored porn from their lawmakers.

4 Points Flag